Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Regarding the Gum...

Regarding the mysterious gum in my hair, I've decided to pin the blame squarely on Melek. Here's my thought process:

Melek is a tall, leggy blonde (5'20"?) and probably weighs in the neighborhood of 102 lbs. I am a short, large-with-child brunette and weigh nowhere near 102 lbs. Obviously, Melek is jealous of me. I have deduced that when I hugged her good-bye the other night, she surreptitiously spat her blue, peppermint gum in my hair.

This is irrefutable as the only other two people to hug me that night were Husband and my 65 year-old cousin, neither of whom would be caught dead chewing blue gum.

I would chew blue gum, but I wouldn't spit it in my own hair, so it wasn't me.

I did once throw up in my older sister's hair while she was sleeping, but at least it wasn't blue. It was an accident, anyway. I still kind of feel bad about that.

Ah, the joys of bedrest! So much time to think and figure things out!


K said...

Maybe Santa did it? That's your present.

Keep the posts coming.. we know you have nothing better to do! :)

blog author said...

if i were 7 feet tall (or 5'20" as you like to call it) and 102 lbs, i seriously doubt i'd have the energy needed to chew gum, much less to hug you AND spit it into your hair simultaneously.

i still contend that it was bunny who did it...possibly also as payback for practicing diaper changing upon her.

Rosie's Sister said...

I dont remember you vomiting in my hair. I must have repressed it.

Femme au Foyer said...

Melek - And therein lies the flaw in your logic: we never performed a diaper change on Bunny. I refused to let Husband do it (the tail would have gotten in the way).

Little Sister's Sister - How could you remember it? You were asleep. I'm thinking that you woke up the next morning and simply thought that you threw up in your own hair. Heck, you should be thanking me. I probably got you excused from school that day.

Kelly - the Santa angle is plausible...

kay said...

i think she did it too! good sleuthing!