Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Smell Dead People

Much like the kid in The Sixth Sense, I seem to have developed an uncanny ability to smell things, all things, even things that aren't visible to the naked eye. Take, for instance, yesterday...

Husband and I were walking the dogs. Suddenly I was engulfed by the heady scent of something or someone rotting to the core. There were no dumpsters (or dead bodies) nearby. Husband couldn't smell it. Only me. Lucky, lucky me.

Earlier I was sitting on the bed studying. I smelled something rank and looked across the room to see Le Pooch Grande tongue-washing her anal glands. She must have been 15 feet away!

One of my friends gave husband this book that is supposed to prepare him for pregnancy. In this book it advises the husband that his pregnant wife will develop a super-human sense of smell. The book suggested that the husband always keep his teeth brushed and that he should make sure everyone else on the block has brushed their teeth as well. This made me laugh because it is so, so true.

Watch out, my friends, because I have a bionic nose. In fact, I might volunteer my services to the local police department. You know, go out with them on DUI patrol or something. Even if someone has just a sip of alcohol, I can smell it on their breath. It's awesome. Really, really awesome (no, it isn't).

Don't worry, Melek, I don't smell you during our workouts.


Anonymous said...

I don't think that it's just the pregnancy, you have that gene. Brother FC has a bionic nose as well; he can walk in anywhere and smell everything. I've noticed Mom can smell stuff that others can't as well. Just don't make any trips to the recycling center or garbage dump, you'll really get an overload!
Can you tell I have a lot of time on my hands until classes start again on Monday?

Femme au Foyer said...

Wow--I *just* published that post and was so surprised when your comment came in mere minutes later. You're right about the family gene--our six year-old cousin Roo has it as well. She cannot so much as walk into a public restroom without dry-heaving. Sometimes she even throws up! Still, this bionic nose thing has gotten way, way out of hand with my pregnancy. Melek and I just did our workout class (which is mostly weights) and I can't stand the smell of myself--and I didn't even sweat!

Katie said...

I had the same thing! It was taste and smell. I would only drink certain types of water because I could taste and smell the "tap water" taste of some brands. Chris thought that I was being a water snob, but I wouldn't touch the stuff! Now? Can't tell the difference.

Anonymous said...

ever since I started allergy shots, my sense of smell has improved 10 times over. I liked it better when I couldn't smell anything.

Still, sounds like its the pregnancy to me.

And we have a brother name FC?? Wow the things I dont know.

Anonymous said...

Katie that is so cool about bottle water! too bad you didnt hire yourself out to the competition! or some kind of govt panel!

blog author said...

what's so funny about your comment is that Monday i forgot to wear deodorant. so the whole class i was trying to stay as far away from you as possible. not bc i knew about your bionic nose, but bc i couldn't stand how i smelled. Glad you didn't catch a whiff! ;)

I'll be sure to double up on deodorant from now on.

tobacco brunette said...

Oh my god. I thought of this post this afternoon, because this just started happening to me today. My mom came to visit and we walked around my neighborhood from restaurant to restaurant in search of one that didn't have a "smell" that turned my stomach. I would just walk in, get a whiff of the place, shake my head, turn around and walk right out. It was SO weird.

With the rate bodies turn up around here, I'm sure it won't be long until I smell dead people, too.

Femme au Foyer said...

Melek: no problem on the deodorant. I forgot to wear mine to the gala on Friday night (post on that topic coming soon). I certainly didn't smell anything untoward emanating from you.

Tobacco Brunette: That is too funny! The restaurant workers must have been like, "WTF?" upon seeing you walk in, sniff the air, make a face (probably), shake your head at your mom and leave.