Tuesday, April 29, 2008


No, this post's title is not referring to my GMAT score (thank goodness), rather, it's referring to the nasty little rodents that have infiltrated our attic.

The Bug Guy just stopped by to see if he could identify what's chewing up the wires in our wall. I led him to our walk-in attic where, flashlight in hand, we searched for signs of rats. Almost immediately I spotted the droppings on the floor which, coincidentally, happened to be right where I was standing (I was wearing flip-flips because I'm bright like that). I squealed and danced my way back to the attic entrance. Once I had one foot safely outside the attic, I used the entrance door as a shield as I peered around looking for rats. "What's that?!?!?!" I shrieked as I pointed up towards the attic trellises; I was certain I saw a rat up there, hanging by its tail. The Bug Guy's eyes bugged out of his head as he whipped around and fixed the flashlight's beam on the ghosts of my imagining. This went on for a while before I realized that I wasn't being helpful. In fact, I had some concerns that I might cause this poor man to have a coronary.

For the record, rats don't generally scurry about during the day and they most certainly do not hang by their tails. Them's 'possums that do that!


marthamisdemeanor said...

O-opossum, my opossum!! hahaha (ref: dead poet's society)... Dang, that must've been scary! I don't think I would have enough grace to dance about and get to safety... I pretty much freak out and bust through anything in my to get out of the way of something scary!

K said...


I was JUST writing up a post about this morning's visit from our Bug Guy!

Your story is too funny. Why is that rodents freak us out so much?

kay said...

SHUDDER!!! how awful!! get a cat. or two! i know the doggies would hate them but your rat problem would be gone!

blog author said...

well, you know how i dealt with my rats.... i moved! so, just do that.

there, problem solved! good thing you have me around.

oh, and speaking of rats, we saw a dead rat in the parking lot. he was as big as my hand (i have big hands!)... totally creeped me out. i jumped and screamed like a girl.

Femme au Foyer said...

Hahhaah! Martha, I can just imagine you busting through the drywall next to the entrance door to our attic.

Kelly, I've decided that all things I find unpredictable, like my GMAT score for instance, freak me out.

Kay, I've been talking a lot of smack about what a good ratter "Helicopter Butt" is. I hate to say it, but he let me down. I set him loose in the attic last Friday night and he came up with nothing.

Melek, what's with the dead rodent carcasses lately?!? Helicopter Butt managed to find not one, but TWO flattened 'Possum carcasses on our walk the other night.

K said...

I have 2 cats you can have. Free of charge. I'll pay you take them even.

Anonymous said...

If you get the right cat, the dogs won't necessarily hate them. The right breed at the right age will most likely work.

But the thing is, I know you are not a "cat person".Cats require more attention than most ppl know and I don't know if you and Tom would like that. Also, not all cats are good mousers. Some of them react toward rodents the same way you do.

Our cat Inky was a GREAT mouser and great around kids. He had a good relationship with the weiner dog next door(they were kind of related). Inky would be idea. Too bad we didnt save his DNA.

Katie said...

EW. We had a rat in the garage about 8 months ago. It kept eating holes through Jenny's dog food so we bought a heavy duty trash can to put the food in. The rat ate a hole through the trash can! That's when we knew that we weren't dealing with a mouse.. hah! I took Will out of town and told Chris that he had 3 days to get the rat the hell out of my house, he'd better be gone by the time we get back! He ended up using a massive rat trap smeared with peanut butter and studded with dog food. It took about 30 minutes before he heard a "THWACK!".

Then he had to deal with the aftermath. Gross.

It's defintely a time to act like the defenseless pregnant wife and let Husband take care of it. Or a pest control person. Whatever. Just as long as it's not you!

Anonymous said...

Haven't you seen "enchanted"? All you need to do is hum a little song and the rodents will come help you clean your house!
Speaking of movies, Boyfriend and I were watching a movie on TV the other day that had Hilary Swank in it and we think you look like her. It's the eyes on up that have it.

Femme au Foyer said...

Everyone: I cannot believe there is a conversation going on in the comments section of my blog about me getting a cat (Kay, I'll give you a pass on this one snce you wouldn't know). You are all my closest friends yet you seem to know nothing about me. For the record, I HATE cats!!! Oh yeah...I'll tolerate them from time-to-time, but have you noticed that I never seem to know the name of anyone's cats, even those of my family members?

Oh, and Kelly? YOUR cat is the largest reason why I hate cats (and you know why) so "no thanks" to your not-so-generous offer.

Shannon, you're right: Inky (our childhood pet) was a good cat. Except I don't think he was a cat. I'm convinced he was a dog.

Katie - Peanut butter studded with dog food?!? Brilliant!! (And *great* description!)

Rose - I laughed o hard at your reference to Enchanted! Why didn't I think of that! I even shared it with Husband but the joke was lost on him (he has never watched a fairy tale in his life). Oh, and I will take the Hilary Swank compliment any day, thank you! I've only had one other person tell me that but he was some drunk schlepp in the bar at the Four Seasons and he doesn't count. He actually stopped dead in the lobby, pointed straight at me and shouted, "Hilary Swank! You could be Hilary Swank!!" Husband, seated to my left, was not amused. I, of course, immediately went to the bathroom and reviewed my face in the mirror. "Is it true? Do I really look like Hilary Swank?" I pondered. To my dismay, I decided that I don't.

Anonymous said...

I just thought of the Enchanted reference because I bought it a few weeks ago and just watched it again with the little girl I nanny. And tell Husband he needs to give Enchanted a shot; Boyfriend actually liked it a lot and we're talking about a total sci-fi geek who doesn't like anything but liking it.
Put up a picture of Hilary Swank with longer hair and have people vote on it. Boyfriend out of no where was like "she looks just like your sister" when we were watching "The Reaping" and when I looked, I realized what he was talking about when I looked at the upper portion of her face, and your build is even similar.

K said...

If you run out of other things to blog about.. I think you should tell the "Why I Hate Cats" story.

Anonymous said...

OMG! You do NOT look like Hilary Swank! She is hideous!

And yeah I think Inky thought he was a dog too.

You guys probably dont remember this, but Inky and his brother use to go over to the neighbor's house and howl at their window late at night. Apparently they had a female cat. It really pissed off the neighbor! HAHAH! She would open her window and try to throw things at them, but her aim sucked and she always missed. That just made Inky and his brother louder. One of them would loung on his side in the driveway like he was in his living room or something. it was hysterical.