Friday, April 11, 2008

American Airlines Blows Chunks!

I knew I didn't like American when they stopped cleaning their lavatories with any regularity, and I especially didn't like them when they dumped my platinum status after I didn't fly with them for a month, but cancelling thousands of flights because they failed to adhere to safety regulations is ridiculous and irresponsible! Do I care that they pointed out their own mistake? No, I do not! That was just a preemptive strike to hold at bay flak similar to that which Southwest received when their mechanical shortcomings were uncovered. Am I impressed with how AA I handling the situation? Of course I'm not. I am of the firm opinion that American had the rudest, surliest flight attendants so they have a pretty deep hole to dig themselves out of where customer service is concerned. Why I am especially upset is because they have RUINED our surprise trip to go see M2K2 and her family this weekend.



K said...

I always believed that "it's the thought that counts" was a true statement. But, I believe it even moreso now. While I'm extremely disappointed not to be able to see you and meet husband this weekend I still smile when I think about what you and Mark were up to all this time. And, I appreciate your willingness to go through with it given your current condition (like being pregnant is a disease! :))

I really can't tell you how special you guys made me feel. American Airlines may suck, but they can't take away from me!!!

blog author said...

this is what makes me mad:

====The FAA noted that airlines had 18 months to check electrical wiring on MD-80 jets since an initial order was issued in September 2006.======

They waited til the last minute to do it!!!! we could ALL have been in horrible jeopardy flying around on un-inspected planes! i want to know how many other airlines are going to end up doing the same thing.

sorry you can't take your trip. But, you will get biscuits out of it!! :)

Anonymous said...

That sucks. Melek makes a good point, why did they wait until the last minute?!? They wouldn't have had to ground 1000's of flights had they taken a few a day to check. DUH! I read an article that said they are under no obligation to give a refund of any sort. That's total robbery I think. Anyways, maybe you will get the chance to take the trip another time :O/.

kay said...

i'm so sorry! i kept thinking of all of the people who were missing special events b/c of those cancellations. weddings, funerals, birth's of grandchildren etc. totally unforgivable