Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Finish this blog post

"Last night our new bed shook like the world was coming to an end. It wasn't."

I was looking through old blog post drafts and stumbled upon the one in quotes above. It was written just two months into my pregnancy. There is no title and is comprised of just those two sentences. I have no idea what the rest of the story was, but my imagination is running into overdrive. Knowing my rules for blogging, I am pretty sure that this story did not have a lascivious nature, but I dunno...


supermonkey said...

Perhaps one of the dogs was on or under the bed and started scratching and rumbling the bed.

Tara said...

Did someone have gas??? I know when I was two months pregnant...

Travis Oaks HOA said...

gas was my thought too....or that summer jumped up on the bed. or maybe that Santa was under the bed (since you were still in the old neighborhood then)....

blog author said...

sorry i commented on your blog as my condo HOA. hahah....sheesh!

K said...

I have no guesses, however I'm sure it was a good story. And, I'm pretty sure that it would have made my day. And, I'm pretty pissed that you deprived me.