Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Like a "Last" than a "First" (also known as the "Goodbye Cheeseburgers" post)

It was inevitable. It had to happen. Much to my despair, nursing Little Husband is nearing an end.

I remember in the beginning how I had *such* a hard time getting The Mighty Stubborn One to accept this medium of food intake, i.e., he didn't want to latch on. "Don't give up for seven weeks," a wise mother-friend told me, "it will get better." I didn't and it did. That was some of the best advice I received to date.

It's hard to describe the feeling that washes over you when nursing your baby. Words like "tender" and "magical" come to mind. There's a closeness there that is indescribable and a certain feeling of pride as you watch your baby grow and know that it's a direct result of the nourishment that your body is producing. It doesn't hurt that nursing allows you to spend thirty unfettered minutes snuggling with your baby and inhaling his sweet baby scent. It's such a precious, private moment.

I'll miss cradling him in my arms as I absorb his warmth and plant kisses on the top of his sweet, downy-soft head. I'll miss his plaintive cries as he calls out to let me know that he's hungry and then latches on, sobbing, as if he hasn't been fed in days (Husband and I were always charmed by this bit of drama). I'll miss laughing during the later months as he would break his latch at the slightest sound, as if even the noise of a passing car warranted his attention. Most of all, I'll miss those groggy early mornings when I would tuck Little Husband into bed with with me and nurse him until we both snuggled into a comfortable sleep. These days, I can't get The Whirling Dervish to take a nap with me for anything.

Alas, though, nursing isn't supposed to last forever. Little Husband's regular food intake has increased and my milk supply has decreased and the only way I can get him to nurse is if he's starving. This limits us to early morning nursing sessions.

While I'm glad that I was able to stretch it out this long, I do wish that I could nurse LH through cold & flu season since the anti-bodies that I pass to him seem to do wonders in staving off illness. Although he's "fully repaired", I somehow still have the mindset that I am protecting a frail infant with a heart condition and I want to do everything in my power to make sure that I send him out into the world with as much protection as possible. I guess this is the first step in cutting the apron strings, right?

Try as I might, I don't see much benefit to losing my status as a milk maid except that all my old shirts finally fit again. My ravenous appetite can no longer be satisfied with plates of cheeseburgers and greasy fries. Junk food, such as pizza, will once again have to be eaten in rations, and instead of watching the numbers on the scale creep down, I suspect that I will now stand there in disbelief as they creep back up.

Kind of like how I felt throughout my pregnancy.

Still, I plan to limp along, nursing LH with whatever ounce or two I've got to spare, until one day there's simply nothing left to give to him. Hopefully by then I'll be ready, but I doubt it.


blog author said...

you NEVER have to say goodbye to cheeseburgers. instead, make tofu burgers with part-skim cheese product topped with sprouts and no bun. There, see? a perfect substitute for a burger from Huts. :) hardly!! would it make you feel better if i went with you to have a cheeseburger? we can be bad together. that's always more fun.

on a more serious note, i know you're going to miss the closeness you have with LH while breastfeeding...but you're going to have so many more new and different connecting moments with him. there are thousands more to explore. so don't fret....he's still your special boy :)

Femme au Foyer said...

Ha ha, Melek! When I read the tofu burger part of your comment I was like, "Oh man--all that working out and healthy eating has affected Mel! Tofu what? Is she kidding?!? Where's my Chipotle loving friend?!?" I was sooo glad to read on and see that you were kidding!

Thanks for the last paragraph. That's exactly what I needed to hear.

Rosie's Sister said...

I heard on "the Simpsons" tofu actually has a lot of fat. So it must be true!

Katie said...

Yeah, I thought the same thing when I was reading Mel's post. I kept thinking "What the... that sounds awful!"

About the breastfeeding, I totally hear you. BUT, think about the fact that he's getting teeth in. Let me tell you, those little puppies are SHARP!

K said...

If it makes you feel better, you might be able to nurse LH 'til you send him off to college. I realized a few weeks ago that I still have milk--after 16 months without nursing.