Saturday, March 21, 2009


Guess who's on his 8th straight hour of sleep?

Guess who popped awake after six straight hours of sleep and now, at 4 am, cannot go back to sleep? Don't feel sorry for me, this is the longest stretch of sleep that I've had in ages. I feel like I could go run a marathon or something!

The irony is, over the past few weeks I've tried every trick under the sun to get Little Husband to sleep longer than 3 or 4 hours. Last night I tried nothing; my bag of tricks was empty. I simply stuck LH in bed and that was it. No schedules, no Ferber, no rice cereal, no nothing. I am particularly grateful that he's sleeping so long because Husband is out of town and I was dreading handling all the night wakings myself.

Guess who just woke up? He must have sensed that I was about to start getting productive.


Katie said...

Congrats on all the sleep!

Something must have been in the air last night, Will almost slept through the night, too! He woke up once at 1am and I was tough Mommy and just put him back to bed. Guess what? He slept until 7:30!

Beats Thursday night when he woke up at 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am and then finally at 6am.

We'll see what tonight brings... it really is a crapshoot.

blog author said...

woohoo! 8 hours straight for him...that's very promising!

K said...

Yay! See, if you try enough stuff, he forgets the original habit you were trying to break!!