Sunday, December 28, 2008

They Embarrass Us, We Embarrass Them

In an email from Little Sister where she's talking about the Christmas gift she gave to nephew:

"I'm the boring aunt because I'm only giving books. Nephew looked at the book I gave him and said "I didn't want this!" When Older Brother said he might be hurting my feelings, Nephew looked at me, covered his face and said in a rather robotic tone "I-love-it.""

I wish I could do that sometimes.

In other news, any mother knows that the "Baby Industry" has grown almost as bad as the bridal industry. For this, we pay ridiculous amounts of money for things like diaper bags, onesies with cute slogans and any gadget that will make our lives easier. This sling is no exception and I am almost ashamed at how much these few scraps of fabric cost. Regardless, it makes my life soooo much easier when Little Husband (aka - The Milk Monster) has one of those days when he wants to be held and cuddled 24/7. I rationalize the purchase by mentally listing all the things I am able to accomplish once I stick his little body in this thing. Also, hauling around 8.5 extra pounds up and down the stairs doesn't hurt when it comes to shedding that pregnancy weight.

Here's a closeup of him hiding his eyes. I have no idea why he feels compelled to do so. Perhaps I'm embarrassing him. Reminds me of how, when I was a pre-teen, I would skulk around K-mart, hiding behind the racks because my mother forced me to go there and I didn't want anyone I knew to see me.


Katie said...

So THAT'S what it looks like! It's actually way cuter than a lot of the slings that I've seen. (And owned but never used.)

I was so embarrassed at Chris' grandparents' house last week. Will would open gifts and just toss them aside if he didn't like them, as if to say "Oh. Ugh. Next!" Kids, I tell ya....

Anonymous said...

It looks like he's saying "Oh no, not this again!"
As for nephew, the book may have been better received had it been about Hot Wheels.

blog author said...

my younger nephew kept saying "i've ALWAYS wanted one of these!" to my gifts (he's 5). of course, he'd probably say that to a pair of socks if it were wrapped in pretty paper....he's enthusiastic!

as for Kmart, i know how you feel. we didnt go in there much, but when we did, i'd practically run from car to the door so nobody would see me as they drove by. the bullies on the bus used to yell out the window to pedestrians the biggest insult they could think of:
"Your mama shops at KMart!!"

which is probably why i was mortified of being seen there.

Anonymous said...

Melek, that's too funny about the bullies on the bus! I remember one time, on the bus of course, one guy telling all the other guys, while laughing, "I saw so and so at Kmart yesterday." Another guy replied, "why are you making fun of them when you just admitted you were there too?"

Femme au Foyer said...

Regarding K-mart, I was never bright enough to use the "well what were YOU doing at K-mart" defense. It didn't evenoccur to me.

Regarding the picture of Little Husband with his hands over his eyes: I realized after the fact that he probably shares the same gene with Nephew. You know, the one that prompts him to put his hands over his eyes while robotically saying, "I-love-it".

Anonymous said...

Or he could be playing peek-a-boo...

Tobacco Brunette said... the Kmart eye covering. He's so adorable.

I have the same sling you have AND a Baby Bjorn and Owen acts like I've dropped him into the jaws of a starving alligator any time I attempt to put him in one.

What's your secret?

Happy New Year Femme Family!

Rosie's Sister said...

Why do parents get embarrassed when a kid under 5 makes derogatory remarks about his gifts?
Its cheap entertainment! It makes me want to buy them even more clothes and books! The parents should be ashamed they didn't catch the moment on video!