Friday, December 3, 2010

Belly Shot -- 29 Weeks

Okay, my sweet Michigan friend, here's the belly shot you requested:

I'm not a big fan of "the belly shot" since I'm too vain to want to make record of a rapid and steady weight gain, but I can't say no to my friend! Sorry for the lousy picture quality--I wasn't about to setup a tripod and a high-def camera!


Tara said...

Are you just the cutest thing! Love the outfit, and the itty bitty belly.

K said...

You crack me up!!! I miss you!

The Life of Blights said...

Thank you for humoring me! You are beautiful:) and your curious Thomas in the background is priceless (he's huge by the way!!!) xox

Katie said...

Cutest pregnant lady ever! I'm totally jealous, you're probably still skinnier than I am! ;-)

blog author said...

your belly is so tiny!! i can't believe you only have 11 weeks left :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, love. How ya doin'?

What the hell is Thomas doing behind you. That totally cracked me up.

Hope all is well. Miss you!


Expat Barbie said...

what a beautiful belly :)

madriid1 said...

very nice and you are beautifallll

younes and simo

Anonymous said...

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