Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dad, your day has finally come

There's that old saying that the sins of the father will be revisited by his son, or something along those lines. I don't remember it exactly. In short, I believe it's predicting that your children will do to you what you did to your parents. I've always been a little afraid of this prediction because I wasn't exactly a model child. In fact, not long ago my father and I had a conversation that went something like this:

Me: "Dad, what was I like as a small child?"

Dad: (without hesitation) "You were a hellion. An absolute hellion. Don't get me wrong, I mean, we *liked* you and all, but..."

Me: (stunned silence)

So there you have it. I'm sure that *my* father has been greedily rubbing his hands together, waiting for me to be blessed with my own little hellion. Well, Dad, your day has finally arrived.

Little Husband, for sport, enjoys nothing better than screaming at the top of his little lungs. I don't mean cry-screaming. I mean one long drawn out blood curdling scream. He does this when he's being tickled. He does this when he's bored. He does this when he's frustrated/angry/tired/you-name-it. He does this in stores. He does this in restaurants. He especially likes to do this at his paternal grandparents' house. Yesterday he did it all. Day. Long. At one point late in the day and at the height of his screaming fits, he would narrow his eyes and throw a death glare my way. I swear he was trying to turn me to stone.

On the bright side, while his mouth is wide open I use the opportunity to examine his gums for budding teeth since he won't let me do so otherwise.

I thought this behavior was pretty normal--a phase of sorts--but this weekend we were among friends and every time he let one rip, everyone would turn toward me and Husband with a bemused, "Whoa! He's pissed." That reaction tells me that this behavior is not normal. Me thinks my son has learned how to throw one hell of a temper tantrum.

Of course, when *I* was younger--MUCH younger--this was in fact very normal behavior for me. I remember screaming so loud that my throat would be raw for days. I remember grabbing onto banisters and door jams while my mother and older brother struggled to carry me to my room. I remember being locked in my bedroom and attempting to bash a hole in the plaster walls with my metal roller skates (my father damn near killed me when he got home from work and found out what I was doing). Oh yes, I remember throwing tantrums galore and consequently I'm afraid. Very, very afraid.

We're going to visit my family in August and we'll be staying with my parents. I can already imagine my dad standing in a doorway, arms folded and chuckling to himself while he surveys Little Husband revisiting my sins upon me.

I am so screwed.


K said...

Oh my goodness. You reap what you sow. But you see, I personally think that's fair. What, however, I do not think is fair is that I (and Husband) have to reap what our spouses have sown. BS, I say.

Besides that, how the hell are you!??! I miss you!!!

Femme au Foyer said...

Okay, Miss High and Mighty, let's not forget that you too had your hellion years, they just happened to coincide with your mid-twenties. That's what you got coming your way! ;)

I miss you too! I will try to call you back soon!

R said...

Luckily, my sins are being revisited upon me by other peoples children, so I'm hoping that when I have my own kids they won't be like me. So, perhaps you should start taking care of other people's children and hope that all karma coming your way will instead be channeled through them for just a few hours, not LH.

blog author said...

but the thing is, you turned out so great. i hardly EVER hear you screaming in restaurants any more. :)

i guess i should have children, as i was perfect and would have no sins revisited on me except the sin of perfection.


Katie said...

Oh, I am all sorts of screwed so you and I might be having lots and lots of drinks down the road.

I was a fantastic child but I am surprised that my parents didn't kill me during my high school years, and really, junior high years. If I were them, I'd have pushed me down the stairs long ago.

The other reason I'm screwed? Chris was the worst. child. ever. But, unlike me, was a fantastic high school aged kid.

So now, the combination of the two of us ensures that my liver will be a raisin by the time they're out of high school.

Katie said...

And, Mel, you make me laugh out loud.

supermonkey said...

But of course with murphys law when you come for your visit little husband will be an angel and then when you call mom and dad there may be no symphathy b/c they will say "what are you talking about, he was a perfect angel when we saw him." OR when you and husband go out for a couple of hours on you own, thats when LH will be the perfect angel with the grandparents.

I've also wonder if its a trick from up above if your first child is "not a hellion" then you decide to have a 2nd child b/c you think it will be so wonderful. Oh no, too many times I have talked to other mothers and its their 2nd child that is the "hellion"
I haven't decided yet when or if we will have a 2nd child. We'll see.

Good Luck and love ya.

Unknown said...

Haha! I hope for your sake Karma skips your door on this one :)

Could it be he just discovered how to do it (and got a reaction), so now he just keeps doing it for kicks? We went through a phase like that with Maddie and coughing. She noticed every time she coughed people would look at her - so for about a month, she coughed almost constantly for attention. They are such baffling and bizarre little buggers!

Will keep fingers crossed that it is just a 'phase', and in the mean time maybe ear plugs?? Tee-hee.

Rosie's Sister said...

Dad really called you a Hellion???really? Yeah ok I remember you had soem tantrums but I don't remember them being that bad.

And Rose never had a temper tantrum. I'm serious.

Femme au Foyer said...

Yes he most certainly did call me a hellion, and it wasn't that long ago. As for Rose, while I agree that she was a very god little girl, she did throw a tantrum or two although they were very, very cute.